Pour une meilleure expérience, téléchargez l’application mobile et profitez de toutes les informations et fonctionnalités exclusives

C’est vraiment l’application ideale pour se repérer avant de choisir ses randos. Utilisez lappli de google « parcourir » en complement pour suivre et enregistrer vos infos(long, vit moy, altitude etc……)

Je rentre de Madeire, et cette application m’a permis d’optimiser mes randos, et de me remettre sur le bon chemin ! Félicitation pour ce très bon travail : un must have
Let’s talk about WalkMe App
This mobile application aims to be a guide (GPS) to all hikers in Madeira Island, providing useful information about the levada trails. With more than 50 trails with updated information and available offline, this is the app you need to unleash your explorer’s spirit and come discover the natural wonders of Madeira Island!
Key features:
✓ Offline map (OpenStreetMap)
✓ All trails are available offline
✓ Distance, difficulty, duration and altitude of the trail
✓ Trail’s description and photos taken by local hikers
✓ GPS trail on Google maps or OpenStreetMap. Your choice!
✓ GPS pinpoints your position
✓ Discover the Points of Interest along each trail, such as lagoons, waterfalls, viewpoints and more
✓ Directions and navigation options to get to the trail by car or public transportation
✓ Plan your walks with custom lists: TO DO and DONE
Safety features – SOS
✓ Sending SMS with your location (GPS coordinates)
✓ Direct calling to emergency numbers (112, Civil Protection or GNR)
You can also:
✓ Search, filter and find walks on the list or map
✓ Filter trails by popularity, distance, difficulty, type of walk or location
No Ads:
✓Buy once and get access to all the walks!
✓No popup ads inside the app!
Website: www.walkmeguide.com
Facebook: facebook.com/WalkMe.Guide