Vereda do Pico Castelo (PR2)

This trail is the longest of the island of Porto Santo which starts at Moledo and guide hikers to the top of Pico Castelo, in a path that circumvents the highest peak in Golden Island – Pico do Facho.
The journey begins with a climb of about 1km in length on a forestry road. Along this climb, take time to enjoy the several landscapes that arise and allow you to discover and explore a different Porto Santo.
At the end of the climb, you will find an intersection that provides access to two alternatives to get around the Pico do Facho. You can choose to circumvent this peak from the north, following the long way or the south side.
Along the way you can appreciate the vestiges of plantation that once existed and which are visible from some areas, as well as some typical vegetation.
Continue the path, climbing to the top of Pico Castelo, from where you can get a wonderful panoramic view of the island, where the airport, golf course and houses stand out among other places, always with the magnificent ocean as background.

My walks
Elevation gain uphill
422 m
Elevation gain downhill
422 m
Elevation max
417 m
Elevation min
232 m